The Neighbourhood Plan:
We listened to your views
After the second stage of public consultation, we drafted policies to put the ideas you submitted into effect. These were put into the consultation version (Feb 2016), which went out with supporting details to a seven week public consultation between February and April 2016.
Over 50 detailed sets of comments were received from individuals, businesses and public bodies. Every point was considered, and a draft plan for submission (June 2016, text only) was prepared. This was then further revised to meet new points from Ealing Council planners and a professional external 'health check'. All the comments, together with our responses and the action we took, can be seen in a full analysis attached to the Consultation Statement submitted with the Plan (see below).
The Forum's Annual General Meeting in June 2016 agreed we should proceed to the next stage and submit the final plan as soon as it was ready. This has now been done, and the full package of documents, including supporting material as required by the relevant Regulations, can be accessed through the list below.
Your final comments went in
This submission version went through the next stage of checking by the Council and a final public consultation. Details of the responses can be seen below. The plan was the submitted for official scrutiny by an external independent Examiner before being put to public referendums of local residents and businesses. This took place on 12 October 2017.
Neighbourhood Plan submission documents (Sept 2016)
Submission letter
Area covered (as in application for designation)
Neighbourhood Plan submission version
Appendix 3 to Neighbourhood Plan (AECOM technical feasibility study)
Environmental Impact Assessment (LBE screening statement)
Basic Conditions Statement
Consultation Statement (file with appendices)
Public consultation responses
All the comments received by Ealing Council in the final consultation can be accessed through a separate page.
After the second stage of public consultation, we drafted policies to put the ideas you submitted into effect. These were put into the consultation version (Feb 2016), which went out with supporting details to a seven week public consultation between February and April 2016.
Over 50 detailed sets of comments were received from individuals, businesses and public bodies. Every point was considered, and a draft plan for submission (June 2016, text only) was prepared. This was then further revised to meet new points from Ealing Council planners and a professional external 'health check'. All the comments, together with our responses and the action we took, can be seen in a full analysis attached to the Consultation Statement submitted with the Plan (see below).
The Forum's Annual General Meeting in June 2016 agreed we should proceed to the next stage and submit the final plan as soon as it was ready. This has now been done, and the full package of documents, including supporting material as required by the relevant Regulations, can be accessed through the list below.
Your final comments went in
This submission version went through the next stage of checking by the Council and a final public consultation. Details of the responses can be seen below. The plan was the submitted for official scrutiny by an external independent Examiner before being put to public referendums of local residents and businesses. This took place on 12 October 2017.
Neighbourhood Plan submission documents (Sept 2016)
Submission letter
Area covered (as in application for designation)
Neighbourhood Plan submission version
Appendix 3 to Neighbourhood Plan (AECOM technical feasibility study)
Environmental Impact Assessment (LBE screening statement)
Basic Conditions Statement
Consultation Statement (file with appendices)
- app_a_workshop_report_oct_2011.doc
- app_b_application_to_recognise_neighbourhood_area.pdf
- app_c_list_of_original_stakeholders.docx
- app_d_engagement_consultants_brief.docx
- app_e_cenf_brochure_final_17-5-13.pdf
- app_f.1_issues___options_consultation_final.compressed.pdf
- app_f.2_i_o_flier.pdf
- app_g_analysis_of_issues___options_consultation.pdf
- app_h_cenf_pre_submission_report_sps1.pdf
- app_i_np_consultation_flier.pdf
- app_j_statutory_reg_14_consultees_notified.docx
- app_k_reg_14_statutory_responses_summary.docx
- app_l_reg_14_consultation_analysis_and_responses.docx
Public consultation responses
All the comments received by Ealing Council in the final consultation can be accessed through a separate page.