Our news - and your viewsKeep up-to date with developments on the neighbourhood plan and on what we are doing, through the blog pages. We welcome comments and want to hear your opinions about central Ealing – the good things, the not-so-good, and your suggestions for how it might change for the better.
There are two ways in which you can do this:
You can do this best by joining our mail list, which will also entitle you to take part in all our activities - and it's free! Just one click here takes you there. You can also follow what we have been doing behind the scenes to work on the developing neighbourhood plan, by looking at the agendas and minutes of the full Forum meetings which take place every three months. You can also see the records of the management committee. Both these sets can be accessed through the Meetings page. [Note: this is currently being rebuilt, so not all the data is there yet.] We may close off-topic or other rule-breaking discussions, and we reserve the right to moderate or remove any comment which is offensive, appears to break the law or is spam, or otherwise breaches some basic ground rules. For this we use guides similar to those operated by the BBC on its blog pages. These can be seen at http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/moderation.shtml. You can also see our privacy statement on a separate page. |