The Examiner, Mr John Parmiter, has invited anyone interested to attend the meeting in the Nelson Room and has published his agenda, which can be seen on the Public Hearing page.
The one day session is just one part of the examination, and gives the opportunity for Mr Parmiter to ask questions of the Forum and the various other parties who have raised points in the earlier consultation.
While the meeting is informal, only those who have been asked to attend to answer will be able to take an active part. Nevertheless it will give the chance for people to learn more about the details of the plan and the reasons why changes have been made to the original proposals.
The Examiner’s report will be published in March. He may suggest some further changes, after which the plan is expected to be put to separate referendums of local people and businesses before coming fully into effect.
More details of the plan and the consultation responses can be seen on another page.