Central Ealing's local community plan today got the go-ahead to proceed to a referendum from the independent Examiner appointed to review it.
The Examiner carried out his review over several weeks, including a public hearing in February. His report proposed some changes in the draft submitted by the Forum, but has recommended that the plan should now go to a local vote.
Ealing Council has to consider the report and decide whether to accept the recommendations. These include giving more people a say on the plan, by widening the referendum area in which residents and local businesses can vote later in the summer.
Full details are on other pages.
The Examiner carried out his review over several weeks, including a public hearing in February. His report proposed some changes in the draft submitted by the Forum, but has recommended that the plan should now go to a local vote.
Ealing Council has to consider the report and decide whether to accept the recommendations. These include giving more people a say on the plan, by widening the referendum area in which residents and local businesses can vote later in the summer.
Full details are on other pages.