CEPAC, the body campaigning for performance arts facilities in Ealing, has agreed with the Central Ealing Neighbourhood Forum to run an independent inquiry into what cultural and leisure facilities people want in the centre.
Last month CENF won a £7,000 government grant towards the cost of a survey, which will be part of the evidence needed to support the Neighbourhood Plan it is creating.
“We know that Arts and Culture are a key part of planning the Ealing’s future, but what do people really want to see in the new Cultural Quarter?” said Nick Woolven, who was re-elected CENF Chair on Tuesday, “We need firm evidence of what will help bring visitors back into central Ealing, to be commercially viable”
The survey will be run by Purple Market Research, which is based in west London. Trevor Wilkinson, its Joint Managing Director who will be responsible for running the survey, lives in Ealing and has worked here, so already knows the area well.
The report will be available to all. Ealing is current planning its Cultural Quarter, an area which lies between the old Empire Cinema site and Mattock Lane. There is a potential compulsory purchase as part of the Council’s broad plan for the quarter, which may be redeveloped by Land Securities. Both the Council and Land Securities have already encouraged the running of a survey.
Last month CENF won a £7,000 government grant towards the cost of a survey, which will be part of the evidence needed to support the Neighbourhood Plan it is creating.
“We know that Arts and Culture are a key part of planning the Ealing’s future, but what do people really want to see in the new Cultural Quarter?” said Nick Woolven, who was re-elected CENF Chair on Tuesday, “We need firm evidence of what will help bring visitors back into central Ealing, to be commercially viable”
The survey will be run by Purple Market Research, which is based in west London. Trevor Wilkinson, its Joint Managing Director who will be responsible for running the survey, lives in Ealing and has worked here, so already knows the area well.
The report will be available to all. Ealing is current planning its Cultural Quarter, an area which lies between the old Empire Cinema site and Mattock Lane. There is a potential compulsory purchase as part of the Council’s broad plan for the quarter, which may be redeveloped by Land Securities. Both the Council and Land Securities have already encouraged the running of a survey.