Neighbourhood Plan referendum set for 12 October
Our plan has been accepted. Prepare to vote!The Central Ealing Neighbourhood Forum (CENF) has worked on ideas which people have contributed from across the area, after we asked for your views in a public consultation in 2014. You made over 300 suggestions and we turned those ideas into practical policies in a plan for Central Ealing. You commented on those policies and the resulting revised plan was prepared for submission to Ealing Council as the next stage in converting it into official planning policy for the area. This went through a final consultation and cleared public scrutiny by an independent examiner, who said it should go to a vote in local referendums.
The Council has now confirmed that separate referendums on the final plan for local residents and businesses will be held on Thursday 12 October . Check the area map to see if you will get a vote. Full details are on their web site at