What is the CENF?
CENF is a local organisation bringing together community groups, businesses and key stakeholders. Formed in 2012 to develop a Neighbourhood Plan for Central Ealing, it won a 92% acceptance from voters in October 2017. The Plan was then adopted by Ealing Council. The Forum is now concerned with implementation of the Plan and bringing it up to date. We’d love to get you involved. Add an idea here and we'll feature it, or just 'like' or talk about ones you like on Facebook (/CentralEalingForum) or Twitter @EalingForum) to show your support. On this web site you can find more details about us, the approved Neighbourhood Plan, and the background to how it was created. So that we can keep in touch with you about developments, do sign up to our email list at http://eepurl.com/p8405. Help us by donating
All contributions will go to support the work of the Forum. |
Have your say on the Forum future
It's time to tell us what you think! Complete our survey You can help influence the next stages of planning Ealing's development. Just complete our short survey at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/T5P3YTK. CENF is applying to renew its official recognition as a ‘qualifying body’ under the Localism Act This means that we will be able to propose changes to the Central Ealing Neighbourhood Plan to take account of new developments, as well as monitoring implementation of the plan which has now been officially adopted. Come to our open meeting Details about our priorities for the future will be discussed at the Forum AGM to be held on Tuesday 19 June at 7 pm in Ealing Green College, W5 5EW So that as many people as possible can have a say, do come along and express your views. All welcome! . You can also help us decide our priorities for the future by completing the survey. We hope to have initial results in time to report to the AGM, so please reply as soon as possible. |
Follow us on Facebook at /CentralEalingForum and on Twitter @EalingForum. To help our campaign, contact us at [email protected].