The policies below are drafts and subject to change.
Theme: Ealing’s Economy – Shops & Jobs
Policy E1 The introduction of new non-retail (A1) uses of a type which are appropriate to be located within a shopping frontage will be permitted, but will not be allowed to lead to or intensify an excessive number or concentration of non-retail uses where this would be detrimental to the character and function of an area or cause harm to the vitality or viability of a shopping frontage or locality. Policy E2. In considering applications for change of use in central Ealing, particular attention will be paid to potential harm to the balance of retail provision, the broad character of recreational activity and the social environment generally. Decisions will take into account the need to avoid over-concentration of particular licensed uses such as gambling and sale of alcohol where this use may erode local amenity, including the need for control of opening hours and types of premises. Policy E3 Major or strategic development will be expected to incorporate a mix of uses consistent with supporting the local distinctiveness, vitality, function and character of Ealing town centre. The retention or re-provision of floor space suitable for a range of social, cultural, retail or community space will therefore be required in accordance with the priorities identified in the Neighbourhood plan. Where development increases commercial or residential floor space by more than 30% gross external floor area, additional floor space accessible to and suitable for these activities will be provided at a ratio commensurate with the scale of development proposed. Policy E4 Proposals that support or facilitate the provision of 'affordable' office / workshop space including space suitable for social enterprises will be supported and additional provision will be sought in suitable locations as part of the mix of uses required by policy E3 subject to other planning policies in particular those that seek to protect residential amenity. Start-up businesses Proposals to upgrade or redevelop existing employment buildings to create flexible spaces designed for start-up and incubator businesses will be encouraged, provided that · there would be no adverse impact on the amenity of surrounding areas · access by public transport, cycle and on foot would be maintained or enhanced. Theme: Getting Around Policy T1 Sustainable Transport (a) All development should include proposals appropriate to its scale and location which enhance the attractiveness of walking, cycling and public transport within the town centre. Particular attention should be paid to the need to reduce road traffic generation. (b) Development should contribute to projects within the centre which would serve to reduce congestion and help reduce both air and noise pollution. Policy T2. Parking Development should aim to provide a balanced amount of off-street secure parking for both cars and cycles which will allow • sufficient space for local businesses and for people with reduced mobility • where appropriate, easy access from the periphery of the town, to reduce the volume of traffic entering and crossing the centre. Policy T3. Access Development should provide rear or basement servicing, with particular care to avoid potentially dangerous access points. Where on-street loading cannot be avoided, plans should include provision for strictly controlled pavement insets with limited hours of operation. Policy T4. Cycle Paths Development should assist in the provision of dedicated and segregated cycle paths into and through the town, subject to care being taken to avoid conflicts particularly at bus stops and pedestrian crossings. A sequential test for priorities should be applied to give preference first to pedestrians, then cyclists and then motor vehicles, using appropriate surface treatments to indicate where priorities exist. Policy T5 Public Transport Specific development proposals to enhance the areas around bus stops and the approaches to Ealing Broadway station, such as improved shelters, surfacing, accessibility for disabled people and the protection of public open space, will be supported. Theme: Public Realm Policy PR2 Development will be required to introduce and make provision for maintenance of significant and durable green landscaping and to contribute to area-wide greening of public space. Policy PR3 Development will be required to improve the permeability of the town centre, and in particular to · provide traffic-free through routes · avoid unnecessary signage and clutter in public areas · contribute to the extension of a consistent standard of public signposting such as Legible London, with an emphasis on links to places such as museums, galleries and other places of cultural and other interest. Theme: Heritage and Built Environment Policy HBE1 Protect and enhance the quality of the existing townscape, historic character and human scale by the following: i. require all developments to respect the character and scale and not to dominate existing landscapes or streetscapes; protect key views, in particular of church spires/towers, Pitzhanger Manor and Town Hall south façade, other heritage buildings and Conservation Areas, outside and within the town centre. ii. ensure that all development in or adjoining Conservation Areas (except for the office corridor) is no more than 4 –6 storeys on existing street frontages; is of the highest design quality, avoids dramatic contrasts in scale, massing and design with nearby buildings typical of the Conservation Area, and makes a positive contribution to the character of the area, and conforms to the provisions of the relevant Conservation Area management plan; and iii. require applications for major developments to be assessed on the impact of the proposals on their “zone of influence” and such development within the zone to make provision for improvements to the public realm particularly pavement and highway improvements and street tree planting within six months of the substantial completion of the development. iv Taller buildings (i.e. those buildings generally taller than their immediate the environment) may be permitted in town centre sites provided they are of high quality design and do not have adverse visual impact on conservation areas and their heritage assets in particular. v. Redevelopment of existing buildings within the Uxbridge Road Corridor will be expected to be of the highest sustainable architecture and urban design. New buildings will generally be no higher than the building(s) to be replaced except where a variation in building height can be shown to contribute to and improve the overall composition of the built form of the corridor and cause no harm to the character and amenity of residential properties to the rear of development sites by reason of overshadowing, loss of privacy or harmful impact upon microclimate. Policy HBE2 Protect and enhance green spaces in the town centre by establishing a process for enhancement of town centre open spaces to: i. Encourage biodiversity by improving opportunities for wildlife; ii. replace trees under stress or affected by disease. Policy HBE3 Stop damaging intrusion on town centre green spaces by ensuring that: i. the impact of tall buildings visible from open spaces, in terms of their bulk, massing, height or over-shadowing, is minimised through careful siting and design; ii. all development is required to add to public realm; iii. developments which encroach on the open space are refused. Policy HBE4 Ensure that future development achieves the highest standard of sustainable design quality and construction. Policy HBE5 Any change of use must take into account its impact on parking and the mix of retail uses as well as on the Conservation Areas. Theme: Culture & Community Policy CC1 All proposals for the creation of 100m² of additional commercial or hotel floor space (Classes A1 to A5, Class B1 or Class C1) or the creation of additional dwellings in Ealing Town Centre will be required to make a contribution to the provision of additional leisure, healthcare and education services within Ealing Town Centre, to reflect the increased demand for such services so created. Proposals involving net loss of community space (D1 or D2) will only be permitted if contribution is made for at least an equivalent amount of space to be provided elsewhere in the Town Centre. Policy CC2 Mixed use development will be encouraged which provides for a. facilities for recreation, arts and culture, particularly performance arts; b. social infrastructure to provide additional healthcare, education and leisure services. Development which provides such new facilities in lieu of CIL or other planning obligation will also be encouraged. Policy CC3 Provision of new facilities for community and related uses will be encouraged, in accordance with the following priorities: a. a centrally located arts and community leisure facility providing a multi-purpose venue sufficient to accommodate a 250+ seat auditorium/sports hall with a minimum of two indoor sports courts, gym and dance facilities, changing rooms, storage, meeting rooms and associated administration and parking facilities; b. a centrally located community building suitable for use as a Medical Centre with associated parking spaces; c. centrally located community space with associated storage and parking spaces suitable for use by organised youth and educational groups and/or older, vulnerable or other disadvantaged members of the local community. d. connectivity and accessibility in and around the Town Centre, with information services and similar facilities including wayfinding, particularly to publicise places of local interest. Policy CC4 Development within the cultural quarter will be encouraged if it provides facilities to improve the quality of life of residents and visitors through strong and well-developed cultural provision. In particular, it should: a. enhance the cultural quarter as a key centre for the arts serving Ealing and the wider West London sub-region; b. complement existing provision in the Town Centre to ensure a balanced offering across the whole range of cultural and arts activities; c. ensure the number and nature of food and drink outlets does not detract from the special character of the cultural quarter and does not result in the excessive concentration of uses such as takeaway food restaurants; and d. have special regard to Policy E 3 (Town Centre uses). |